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February 2018

Handgun 101 Stillwater OK

February 9, 2018 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Camo Corner, 15711 W 6th St.
Orlando, OK 73073 United States
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Educating and empowering new and novice shooters really is the crux. Handgun 101 is not about qualifying and licensure for legally carrying a pistol under the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, commonly referred to as conceal and carry.  A foundational, basic confidence is highly recommended prior to carrying a firearm on a day to day basis. We will spend two hours learning about your handgun in an environment where there are no "dumb questions"  in a bite-sized time frame to better prepare you…

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Oklahoma SDA Course

February 10, 2018 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Camo Corner, 15711 W 6th St.
Orlando, OK 73073 United States
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Handgun 101 Stillwater, OK

February 23, 2018 @ 9:30 am - 11:30 am
Camo Corner, 15711 W 6th St.
Orlando, OK 73073 United States
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Educating and empowering new and novice shooters really is the crux. Handgun 101 is not about qualifying and licensure for legally carrying a pistol under the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, commonly referred to as conceal and carry.  A foundational, basic confidence is highly recommended prior to carrying a firearm on a day to day basis. We will spend two hours learning about your handgun in an environment where there are no "dumb questions"  in a bite-sized time frame to better prepare you…

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March 2018

Handgun 101 Stillwater OK

March 9, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Camo Corner, 15711 W 6th St.
Orlando, OK 73073 United States
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Educating and empowering new and novice shooters really is the crux. Handgun 101 is not about qualifying and licensure for legally carrying a pistol under the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, commonly referred to as conceal and carry.  A foundational, basic confidence is highly recommended prior to carrying a firearm on a day to day basis. We will spend two hours learning about your handgun in an environment where there are no "dumb questions"  in a bite-sized time frame to better prepare you…

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OK SDA Stillwater OK

March 10, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Camo Corner, 15711 W 6th St.
Orlando, OK 73073 United States
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